Oct 8, 2021Liked by Amber Naslund

Well, you got me in the jugular with this one! 100% on board. I’ve shared this ….because it needs to be megaphoned. “Right sizing”; hmmm wonder how that would work within my family. I jest. Sorta.

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Always solid and unambiguous writing Amber. Perhaps a massive stereotype (or reflective of my Southern Hemisphere cultural upbringing) but, for many men, we are ENTIRELY defined by our professional identity and what's deemed as "successful". You're a "C" executive - success. You're a "partner at Big F**k-Off Inc" - success. This is exacerbated by the (Western) proclivity to introduce yourself to people by the classic "So...what do you do?" ice-breaker. After 30 years I'm trying desperately hard to cut that umbilical cord before it strangles me and stifles me from the realization of all the OTHER dimensions of my life that I could - should - be relishing and nurturing. We are ALL more than a wonderfully embossed business card like that classic Christian Bale scene from "American Psycho" - https://youtu.be/cISYzA36-ZY

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That was an emotional journey. Thanks.

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